A puddle of water from an unknown source on the front of your refrigerator is never a pleasant discovery. Homeowners often ask themselves, “Why is my refrigerator leaking water onto the floor?” Discovering the answer isn’t always simple. Here are the six most common causes of refrigerator leaks and how to fix them:
Six Common Causes of Refrigerator Leaks and Repairs

Blocked Defrost Drain
Is your fridge leaking water? Take a look at the defrost drain hose. This tube may be located at the bottom of the freezer compartment, the bottom of the produce bin, or the back of the unit. Food particles and other debris can block the drain hose. Eventually, the blockage will cause melted condensation to seep onto the floor.
Fix: Take a turkey baster and flush out the drain hole inside the refrigerator with some warm water. If the blockage doesn’t go away, try forcing it out with a pipe cleaner or coat hanger. After that, find the defrost drain hose and clean the connected drain valve with soap and water. If the problem was with the drain/drain hose, once you remove any blockage and dirt, your fridge should stop leaking.
Also Read- https://fyrepairs.com/top-10-new-best-fridge-in-india-2024/
Cracked Drain Pan
There is a drain pan on the bottom of your refrigerator that collects any condensate water from the evaporator fins. Normally, the water in the drain pan evaporates; It never needs to be emptied. However, if there are any cracks, crevices or cracks in the pan, the collected water may leak onto the kitchen floor.
Solution: Sometimes, water leaking from the refrigerator can be an easy fix! Just remove the drain pan and check for any cracks. If you see damage, replace it. Go to your local hardware store and buy a new pan. That’s it!
Water Line Leak
Water-lined refrigerators are extremely popular. It’s nice to have a cold glass of ice water on request. However, if your refrigerator starts leaking from the back, a loose or damaged water line could be to blame. You may also notice a reduction in ice production, or water flow issues.
Fix: Inspect the water line and connected valve on the back of the refrigerator for leaks. If there’s a leak at the valve, attempt to tighten the connection. If the hose is clogged or leaking, cut off the damaged section of the hose or replace the entire hose.
If you want a convenient refrigerator repair service near you, tap the link– https://fyrepairs.com/refrigerator-repair-bangalore/
Bad Water Filter Connection
Do you have a fancy modern fridge with a water filter? A poor connection between the water filter and the refrigerator can result in water leaking onto the floor. Installing the wrong size filter can also be to blame.
Fix: Remove the water filter and reinsert it. If you still see puddles on the floor, try installing a new filter. Old filters wear out and break as they age. Make sure you buy the right type of filter according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If this is the problem, once you install the new filter, the leak should stop.
High Humidity
Excessively humid climates can cause refrigerator leakage. Astonished? The reason for this is this: As the moisture in the air mixes with the cold temperature of your refrigerator, condensation forms, and the drain pan fills faster than normal. And when the pan overflows, you will see a puddle on the floor.
Fix: Manually empty the drain pan on humid days to avoid leakage. If it’s often very humid, think about putting a dehumidifier in the kitchen.
Open Fridge Door
Leaving your refrigerator door open for too long makes the refrigerator take longer to cool, and you’ll end up with a big puddle of condensation.
Fix: Close the refrigerator door! If the issue continues, wash the rubber seals on the doors with soap and water. Lubricate the seal with a thin layer of petroleum jelly. This improvement should ensure an airtight seal.
Find the Best Refrigerator Repair Service in Bangalore
Why does the refrigerator leak water? From clogged drains to a faulty water filter, there are a few reasons why the front of your refrigerator may have a dent in it. Your local Fy Repair Service is ready to assist with plumbing water supply line installation and repair. Call us today or request an online estimate. Even if you’ve checked all the usual suspects, the problem may still be something electrical. The real problem may lie in something like the compressor start relay or the refrigerator not cooling, which may be beyond your normal skills. Call our professionals after ruling out all other causes of leakage.
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