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Having a washing machine in your home makes laundry day easy and efficient. When everything works as desired, washing your clothes and linens is another task. When all the tools work properly and help you get the job done on time, it’s easy to take their convenience for granted! 

However, no washing machine is infallible or free from malfunctions. There are many moving parts in a washing machine that may fail at one point or another. Fortunately, those parts can be replaced; You just need to know what’s wrong to give the necessary information to your repair technician.

There are various signs to look out for when your washing machine needs repair. You can contact us for better information and repair service because we are popular in the market due to our timely, cost-effective, and guaranteed washing machine repair service.


The 5 Signs That Your Washing Machine Needs Repair Asap


washing machine need repair

Excessive Grinding and Thumping Sounds


It is normal for a washing machine to make some noise. If you’ve had your current washer for a while, you may become used to the sounds it makes while cleaning your clothes. A steady, rhythmic hum is familiar and normal. But if it seems to bump more than usual, there may be something wrong with the internal workings of your machine. Loud thumping, bumping, scratching, and grinding sounds are legitimate causes for concern. If your washer is making excessively loud and unfamiliar noises, contact your nearest appliance repair company Fy Repair Service in Bangalore to schedule a service appointment.

Expert Tips

Listen carefully to your washing machine and use precise language to describe the sounds it makes. To diagnose the issue, inform the repair technician about any unusual sounds you hear. Grinding sounds mean that metal parts are rubbing against each other – and something needs to be moved or replaced.

Water in the Drum After One Cycle


When your washing machine ends its cycle and informs you that the clothes inside are clean, you should open the door to see wet clothes – not a pond of water. Your washer should drain excess water from the drum after a spin cycle.

If you find yourself dealing with wet clothes and residual water in the drum after a wash cycle, call the Fy repair service immediately. Your water pump may be malfunctioning or there may be a blockage in your drain pipe that is preventing excess water from draining out.

Not Enough Water in the Drum


Now, let’s discuss the opposite problem. During the wash cycle, the drum should fill with water so that all your clothes get properly wet. What do you do if you open the washer after a cycle and find that your clothes are still dry in places?

You may end up with a damaged hose or a broken water intake valve. Luckily, these parts are easy for washing machine repair experts to identify and replace! Consult a washing machine repair service like Fy Repair service; It’s best to leave these repairs to experienced professionals.

The Drum Stops Rotating


The drum of your washing machine needs to rotate to agitate the clothes inside and clean them. An uneven load of laundry can sometimes cause the drum to not spin. Try to rearrange the clothes inside so they are scattered evenly around the drum, and make sure you close the lid completely before turning it on again.

Still can’t spin your washer’s drum? There may be a problem with the belt inside your machine or your lid switch may also be at fault. Both concerns can be fixed with the help of a washing machine repair expert; They will identify the source of the problem and replace any faulty parts.

The Machine Is Leaking Water


Do your feet get wet when you walk to your laundry room to move clothes between machines? Is there a puddle around the machine? A dripping washing machine is not only extremely annoying but also a flood risk for your home. If you leak into your hands, stop using your washing machine until you can get it serviced by a professional.

The source of the problem could be a leaking washing machine hose, a clogged drain, or a loose connection to the water supply. Luckily, these are all straightforward solutions for the appliance repair technician! Call Fy Repair and we will make quick work of repairing the source of the leak.

Expert Tips

Before our repair technician arrives, make sure to clean up any puddles and thoroughly dry the floor. Water can easily seep into the cracks of floorboards and promote mold growth—this is the last thing you want near your laundry!

The Machine Won’t Start

So, you’ve loaded your washing machine with dirty clothes and added the required amount of detergent. You go to turn on the machine—and nothing happens. Or perhaps the machine has shut down mid-cycle, and you can’t restart it.

There can be many reasons for this problem. If the load of laundry inside is uneven, the washer may shake with enough force to pull the power cord out of its socket. If this is the case, plug it back into the wall socket, rearrange the laundry so it is spread evenly around the drum, close the lid, and try again.

Does the machine still refuse to turn on? If the problem is not with your power source, there may be some faulty wiring in your washing machine. Instead of trying to deal with an electrical problem yourself, call Fy repair professional to have it checked.

Expert Tips

Washing machines should always be plugged directly into a wall socket – not into an extension cord or surge protector. These machines require so much power that they can overheat or shut down if not plugged directly into the wall.

The Machine Smells Strange

Adding smelly clothes to your machine occasionally shouldn’t cause a persistent odor. If you notice a stubborn musty smell coming from your washing machine, check for leaks immediately. Even small, barely noticeable water leaks can promote the growth of mold, which can be the source of that foul odor.

If your machine smells like something is burning, turn it off and unplug it immediately before calling an appliance repair company. A burning smell can indicate electrical problems with the motor or drive belt and should only be repaired by certified repair experts and we have plenty of such experts.

At the Bottom Line

Your washing machine is one of the most important components of a comfortable and functioning home. These machines can last for more than a decade with regular maintenance and necessary repairs! If you see any of these signs that your washing machine needs repair, call FY Repair to book a service appointment as soon as possible. Don’t wait until your washer completely stops working or causes damage to your home before addressing the underlying issue. Our reliable and trustworthy repair experts will make quick work of diagnosing and repairing the faulty parts of your washing machine.

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